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MARCH 7, 2007
7:00 PM                         TOWN HALL

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Al Berg, Ed Benoit, Paul Anderson, Jim Dunn, Peter Lacy, Maria Dell'Ovo, Rick Bates, Marilynn Foley

Also Present: Brian Bullock Town Manager, Jacquie Kelly Assistant Town Manager, George Sherrill Police Chief, Jack Chandler Fire Chief, Bruce McKay Emergency Preparedness, Selectmen: Joe Sullivan, Ken O'Brien

The meeting was called to order at 7:00.

The Police Chief reviewed his budget and answered questions.  He also had a packet of Police Department statistics and activities to hand to the Committee.

The Fire Chief reviewed his budget and answered questions.  Peter Lacy recused himself at 7:55 from the discussion of this budget and left the meeting at 8:55.  The Chief also had a statistical handout for the Committee.

The Emergency Preparedness budget was discussed and questions answered.

Paul Challenger reported on the WRSDC review of the WRSD budget.  Holden's share is up 9.09%.

The review of the Water/Sewer Enterprise Fund meeting has been changed to April 11.

A motion by Al 2nd by Rick accept the minutes of February 28, 2007 as amended was voted unanimously (abstained Ed).

The meeting adjourned at 10:07.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley, Secretary